Stamford CT Domestic Violence Defense Lawyer
Fairfield Connecticut Domestic Assault Attorney

A heated argument or physical confrontation, perhaps fueled by alcohol, can quickly escalate into cops at the door and legal trouble. In a short time span you are removed from your home, charged with a crime and ordered not to contact your spouse, partner or children.
The courts take domestic violence charges seriously, and you must too. If you are accused of domestic assault or related charges, the Law Offices of Daniel P. Weiner will protect your rights and fight the charges. We can often resolve these cases without a criminal record and all the collateral consequences (employment, gun ownership, reputation, etc.)
Our law firm represents men and women in Stamford, Greenwich, Bridgeport and throughout Fairfield County, Connecticut. Contact us today for a free, confidential consultation.
Stamford Domestic Violence Lawyer
Attorney Dan P. Weiner has handled numerous of domestic abuse cases in over 40 years of practice as a criminal defense attorney. He has handled every level of domestic violence charges:
- Third degree assault
- Threatening
- Breach of peace or disorderly conduct
- Stalking or harassment
- Felony assault (serious injury or weapon)
- Violation of a protective order
If this is a first offense, Mr. Weiner can often resolve the matter by use of a pretrial diversionary program. Instead of jail time and a criminal record, the charges are dismissed after completing anger management classes or other conditions imposed by the court.
If you have prior convictions or face felony charges, we will present all possible defenses and mitigating circumstances (self-defense, intoxication) to prevent this episode from putting you behind bars and ruining your life.
Protecting You From Protective Orders
Attorney Weiner also works to dissolve or modify protective orders and no-contact orders to allow you to reconcile with the victim or spend time with your children. We know that judges err on the side of victims, and that victims sometimes exaggerate domestic abuse or obtain protective orders for leverage in divorce and child custody disputes.
Accused of Domestic Violence? Free Consultation
To find out more about our domestic violence defense, how we can defend you against assault charges, e-mail our Connecticut assault offices or call us at 203-348-5846 for a free consultation.