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Three Frequently Asked Questions about Domestic Violence in Connecticut

 Posted on August 26, 2015 in Domestic Violence

Connecticut domestic abuse laws, Connecticut defense lawyer, Connecticut criminal attorney, Although each case of domestic abuse is unique, they all have one factor in common: Facing domestic violence charges is one of the most stressful and overwhelming experiences of the defendant’s life. Restraining and protective orders can reflect poorly on your record, and you might even face jail time if convicted. Fortunately, all defendants are innocent until proven guilty, and an experienced domestic abuse attorney can assess your case, explain your rights, and represent your interests in court.

If you are facing domestic violence charges, you probably have many questions and concerns. Here are three FAQs about domestic abuse:

Is There a Difference between Protective and Restraining Orders?

Protective and restraining orders are common solutions for those trying to put a legal barrier between themselves and their alleged abusers. Many are not aware, however, that there are some differences between the two.

According to Connecticut law, police do not have to arrest a person before a restraining order goes into effect. Protective orders, however, require that the individual in question faces charges for a family violence crime.

What Are the Potential Penalties for Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence accusations often lead to felony charges. These cases may also involve lawsuits over injuries that allegedly resulted from domestic abuse.

If convicted, the defendant may face jail time, community service, and mandated counseling programs. In serious cases, the defendant may also lose the right to own a gun and enter certain career fields.

Can Women Face Domestic Violence Charges?

Domestic violence laws apply to both genders. Women can face these charges, and they may also result from alterations involving two individuals of the same gender.

If you are currently facing domestic violence charges and would like to speak with an experienced Stamford domestic violence lawyer with more than 40 years of experience, contact the Law Offices of Daniel P. Weiner at 203-348-5846 for a free consultation.

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