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Do I Need a Lawyer to Buy a House in Connecticut?

 Posted on April 08,2021 in Real Estate Law

Fairfield CT real estate attorneyThe requirements for purchasing a home vary from state to state. In Connecticut, a lawyer is required for any real estate transaction that involves title insurance. A title insurance agent must be a practicing attorney unless the agent received his or her title insurance license before June 12, 1984. Furthermore, as of October 2019, only lawyers licensed to practice in the state of Connecticut are permitted to perform certain real estate closings. Aside from these requirements, there are also many benefits associated with using a real estate lawyer when buying your home.

Peace of Mind During the Home-Buying Process

Buying a home is one of the most consequential decisions you will ever make. It is also likely to be one of the most significant financial purchases of your life. The process of buying a home can be complicated, stressful, and confusing. Mistakes can lead to massive legal and financial consequences. Working with an experienced real estate attorney gives you the peace of mind you need during this exciting, yet stressful, time in your life.

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What to Do If Your Child Has Been Arrested for Fighting at School

 Posted on March 26,2021 in Juvenile Crimes

Connecticut juvenile defense attorneyIn recent decades, more and more attention has been given to bullying in schools. Teasing, psychological torment, cyberbullying through social media, and other forms of bullying often escalate into physical altercations. In many cases, it is hard to know which individual started a fight at school. Altercations can develop in a matter of seconds and teachers do not always see the circumstances that led up to a child being involved in a fight. If your son or daughter has been arrested and accused of school violence or bullying, it is important to learn about your child’s legal rights and options.

Understand Your Child’s Rights Under the Law

Your child has most of the same basic rights as an adult after being arrested. This includes the right to avoid self-incrimination and remain silent. Anything your child says to the police can be used against them. A child also has the right to contact their parent or guardian after being arrested. When you can talk to your child, encourage them to assert their rights and decline police questioning.

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Can I Get My Child’s Criminal Record Expunged in Connecticut?

 Posted on March 23,2021 in Juvenile Crimes

Stamford CT juvenile defense attorneyAs a parent, it can be extremely disheartening to watch your child make bad decisions. This is especially true if your child makes a mistake that leads to criminal charges. If your son or daughter has been convicted of drug possession, driving under the influence of alcohol, assault, theft, or another offense, you may worry about how this will affect the rest of their life. You may worry about your child being labeled a criminal for something that they did when they were very young. Fortunately, you may be able to get your child’s record expunged.

Expungement and Sealing of a Juvenile Record

Juvenile criminal cases are handled differently depending on the severity of the crime, the juvenile’s age, and other factors. If your child’s case was decided in juvenile court, they are a “juvenile offender” or “juvenile delinquent.” This is not the same as being convicted of a crime in the way that adult offenders are convicted of a crime. Juvenile offenses or “delinquencies” may be expunged if:

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Parents in Connecticut Should Know the Consequences of Teen “Sexting”

 Posted on March 15,2021 in Juvenile Crimes

Fairfield County juvenile defense attorneyThe term “sexting” is used to describe sending text messages, emails, or social media communications of a sexual nature. Often, sexting involves sending explicit photographs or videos. Many teenagers see sexting as harmless fun, but the consequences of sending explicit media can be profound. Many teenagers have had their private photographs leaked to unintended recipients and suffered other humiliating consequences. Furthermore, sending and receiving explicit photographs can lead to criminal charges including charges for child pornography.

Personal Consequences of Sexting

Teens may send sexual messages to get attention, to “fit in” with their peers, or for countless other reasons. Many teens think that sending messages through certain social media platforms like Snapchat ensures that the photograph or video cannot be saved and shared. However, nothing sent through the internet is ever completely private. According to Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital, sexting can lead to ridicule, embarrassment, and even mental health problems like depression and anxiety.

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3 Pretrial Diversionary Programs in Connecticut You Should Know About

 Posted on March 05,2021 in Criminal Defense

Stamford criminal defense lawyerCriminal charges have the potential to change a person’s life forever. Fortunately, the state of Connecticut realizes that many criminal defendants are good people who simply made a mistake. They do not need to be punished; they just need the opportunity to learn from their mistake and live a law-abiding life moving forward. Connecticut offers several diversionary programs that may allow you to avoid a criminal conviction and jail time. If you successfully complete a diversionary program, you avoid going to trial and the charges against you will be dismissed.

Diversionary Programs for Criminal Offenses in Connecticut

During a pretrial diversionary program, an individual who has been accused of a crime must complete certain tasks and/or refrain from certain conduct. If he or she can fulfill the requirements of the program, the charges against him or her will be dropped.

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Am I Liable for My Teenager’s Actions in Connecticut?

 Posted on February 25,2021 in Juvenile Crimes

Fairfield CT juvenile defense lawyerAs any parent can tell you, raising a teenager can be quite challenging. Despite your best efforts to teach him or her to make good choices, your child may sometimes do things you disagree with. Your child may even have ended up in legal trouble because of his or her decisions. Unfortunately, this could mean that you find yourself financially responsible.

Learning that your child has been charged with a crime or accused of causing damages to a person or their property can be a shocking and confusing situation to go through. If your child has recently been charged with a criminal offense, it is important to work with an attorney who is experienced in the juvenile justice system and can provide legal support and guidance.

Parental Responsibility for the Actions of Minors in Connecticut

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What Are My Rights Regarding Search and Seizure of My Property?

 Posted on February 22,2021 in Criminal Defense

Fairfield CT criminal defense lawyerThe United States Constitution gives us important rights and limits the power of the government. One of the most important rights afforded by the Constitution is the right to protection from invasion of privacy by the government. The Fourth Amendment states that people have the right to be free from “unreasonable searches and seizures” of personal property. If you or a loved one was charged with drug possessiontheft, or another criminal offense, it is crucial that you understand how your Fourth Amendment rights may influence your case.

When Can Police Search My Vehicle?

Criminal charges for possession of marijuana or other drugs are often a result of police searching a vehicle. The laws protecting citizens against unreasonable search and seizure apply differently to vehicles than they do to other types of property. Police are permitted to search a person’s vehicle without a warrant if:

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What Criminal Penalties Can I Face for Shoplifting in Connecticut?

 Posted on February 15,2021 in Theft and Property Crimes

Fairfield criminal defense attorneyTaking something from a store without paying for it is a crime. However, shoplifting is shockingly common. Some studies report that as many as one in 11 people have stolen merchandise from a retail store at least once in their lives. Many people think that shoplifting cannot result in severe criminal penalties. They assume that the act will only get them a slap on the wrist. In reality, shoplifting can lead to considerable consequences, including jail time.

Is Shoplifting a Misdemeanor or Felony in Connecticut?

In Connecticut, shoplifting is one of several offenses categorized as larceny, meaning the wrongful appropriation of property with the intent to deprive the owner of it. The severity of a larceny charge is determined by the value of the goods allegedly stolen. According to Connecticut law:

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Are Breathalyzers and Blood Alcohol Content Tests Always Accurate?

 Posted on February 08,2021 in Driving Under the Influence

Fairfield CT DUI defense attorneyIn Connecticut, when a law enforcement officer pulls a driver over with reasonable suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI), they will often ask the driver to take a chemical alcohol test such as a breathalyzer. If the driver’s blood alcohol content (BAC) is 0.08 or more (or 0.02 percent or more for an underage driver) he or she will be arrested and charged with DUI. If you or a loved one was recently arrested under these circumstances, you may wonder if it is possible that the breathalyzer results were inaccurate.

How Does a Breath Alcohol Test Work?

If you have ever been in a crowded bar, you have probably noticed that the smell of alcohol can linger on a person’s breath. Breath alcohol tests like breathalyzers test the amount of alcohol in a person’s breath and use this to determine the person’s blood alcohol content. The two types of breath alcohol testing devices used by police are preliminary alcohol screening devices and evidential breath test devices. A preliminary alcohol screening device or portable breath test is typically used during a traffic stop. These handheld devices are smaller and more convenient for roadside BAC testing than evidential breath test devices; however, they can also be less accurate than evidential breath test devices.

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What Happens If My Underage Child Was Caught Drinking and Driving?

 Posted on January 28,2021 in Driving Under the Influence

Norwalk CT underage DUI defense lawyerAs it is in every state, it is illegal to drive in Connecticut while impaired by alcohol. For adults, the standard often used to determine if a motorist is impaired according to the law is a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 or above. However, the same rules do not apply to drivers under 21 years of age. For underage drivers, it is unlawful to drive with a BAC greater than 0.02. Even just a single drink may elevate a young person’s BAC to a level that makes it illegal to drive. If your child has been arrested and charged with driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI), it is important to educate yourself about the consequences he or she faces as well as the rights of underage criminal defendants in Connecticut.

Criminal and Administrative Proceedings for Underage DUI in Connecticut

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