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Springdale Man Arrested on Drug Charges

 Posted on February 13,2014 in Drug Charges

drug charges IMAGEA 29-year-old man was charged in late December for allegedly “operating a drug factory out of his Springdale apartment,” according to the Stamford Advocate. Ronald Taranto is facing multiple drug charges after police obtained a search warrant and searched his home, only to find cocaine, marijuana, heroin, and prescription drugs, the Advocate reports. “Taranto was charged with two counts of narcotics possession, possession with intent to sell, possession of marijuana, possession of a controlled substance, and operating a drug factory.”

Police were tipped off the Taranto’s activity by neighbors who complained about his behavior. Stamford Police kept an eye on the man’s apartment for several weeks before making the bust. He was charged with intent to sell because police were able to seize “28 bags of powdered cocaine… 16 folds of heroin and 11 film packets of the prescription drug Suboxone—a drug used to treat opioid dependence,” according to the Advocate.

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What Does Parental Liability Mean in Connecticut?

 Posted on February 07,2014 in Parental Liability

stamford criminal lawyerIf your child is convicted in a case where another person suffered bodily injury or property damage, you could be held liable for the financial losses that occurred as a result of this incident. These cases can be complex, and if you want to be sure that your rights are protected, as a parent you should hire a Stamford criminal attorney sooner rather than later to discuss your case.

Connecticut law has provisions that allow for parental financial liability as a result of willful criminal acts of children. Parents could be held financially responsible for up to $5,000 in losses. The parental liability statute tends to be on the other party’s side in a case like this, since it’s often not necessary to provide proof that the parent was negligent. A criminal conviction involving the child where losses occurred is generally enough to provide the grounds for a parental liability case.

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